Occupational Health and Safety

ENA Tower Testing Station is committed to provide a safe and healthy workplace to ensure that every work is performed in a safe manner. To this end, occupational health and safety is managed proactively and systematically by implementing into decision-making and day-to-day operations across the Company.

ENA Tower Testing Station practices the following guidelines for its occupational health and safety management:

  • Adopting risk management principles and practices to eliminate and control workplace hazards
  • Fulfilling applicable legal obligations to ensure the workplace be safe for employees, subcontractors, customers and members of the public
  • Establishing standards of performance, objectives, targets and key performance indicators to measure success
  • Providing health and safety training to ensure that the knowledge, skills and competencies of our people are appropriate for their level of responsibility and accountability
  • Ensuring employee involvement and consultation to gain commitment to health and safety issues
  • Improving health and safety performance continuously
  • Disseminating health and safety information, report on health and safety performance, and communicate to promote awareness
  • Reporting and investigating all incidents and correct nonconformities.